K. А. Очеретяный / K.A. Ocheretyany


Modern digital information and communication technologies offer not just a new format for storing and transmitting messages, they offer a new format of experience. Since in modern conditions to be, means to be in the mediareality, i.e. to be broadcast, then everything resisting the transfer to the format of an information message, anything that resists broadcasting, is deprived of recognition, and with it of its ontological status – of the right to exist. It is not realized, not felt, not seen. Media not only globalizes events, because events that are not taken to the universal space and are completely recognized as nonexistent, the media also glocalize corporeality, i.e, technically strengthen some sense organs, weakening others, subject to valorization audial and visual data and devalue all others. In this article, the phenomenon of the disappearance from the media reality of the smell – the main dominant of traditional cultures, allows one to sense the presence of the absent, incorporeal as a corporeal, to feel the presence of the spirit, in a broad sense, the metaphysical dimension of things. Since the smell and traditional forms of its awareness in culture as a God-Presence in the fragrance, incense, odor of sacrifice, resists translation into the audiovisual format, it does not become a manifestation of the deity, and not even the subject's possession as painfully open to the experience of refined individual sensitivity, but an ineradicable trace of Other – what is recognized as an attempt on freedom, which is recognized as a harmful dissociating phenomenon, destroying any community and any communication, and therefore should be eliminated. However, in the struggle for the transfer of experience into the media format, along with the experience of the smell, other untranslatable self-reliving data that are filled with our life world and which are possible only not a direct statement, – mythical, poetic, philosophical, – are eliminated.


media; corporeality; smell; technology; reality; ontology; sensuality; aura; metaphysics; society


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