Ж. В. Николаева / Z.V. Nikolaeva, С. А. Троицкий / S.A. Troitskiy, А. О. Царев / A.O. Tsarev


The article that follows presents an overview of the latest research areas in the field where the philosophy of the urban environment and the study of cultural exclusion and border zones overlap. It also reports on a round-table meeting between scholars with differing approaches to formulating their methodological research. The interdisciplinary round-table «The Problem of Identity in Cultural Exclusion Zones of the Urban Environment» took place on 5-6 October 2018 at the St Petersburg State University Institute of Philosophy as part of the 5th International Scientific Conference «The mechanisms of creating of cultural exclusion zones and borderlands – 2018»1 . The thematic topics selected for discussion were: 1) The problem of identity in the urban environment; 2) Cultural exclusion zones in the urban environment; 3) Crosscultural research into sustainable development in contemporary urbanistics theory; 4) The Philosophy of the City. The discussion areas drew in participants from Russia, Italy, Poland and Germany, enabling new and even alternative standpoints to be introduced. Materials from some of the speeches and presentations are to be published as separate articles in a section of the periodical «Studia Culturae», while the remaining speeches, including the general discussion, along with proposals for the future development of this field can be found in the following overview.


identity; urban environment; urban philosophical studies; cultural exclusion zones; spatial strategies; hermeneutics and phenomenology of cities


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