Д. А. Колесникова / D.A. Kolesnikova


The article deals with garbage, waste, rejected as important indicators of the living and cultural space of the urban environment. The practices of appropriating space through acts of expansive pollution are considered. The city is represented as a social organism, a medium of images and a communication space in which subjects, objects and processes function on the principle of parasitic exchange, forming their protective environment, milieu – whose products of life (symbolic and material waste), constitute the environment, mark the boundaries of habitat and ownership rights. Through the metaphor of the parasite - waste is analysed as sign, label, media and liminal substance. The performative productivity of waste and its significance as a tool of mediation are investigated.


garbage; alienation; pollution; zone of exclusion; urban parasites; appropriation of urban space; protective environment; ecological relationality; liminality; niche-relationships


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