Our time seems to be forced experiencing a one-way path: the path towards a progressive and massive urbanization in any area of the globe. Actually, such a path revealed its intrinsic dual nature from the very beginning of the modern and western urbanization phenomena (even if its mature forms are shaping the present time in forms and levels that lies beyond any previous expectation and analysis): on the one hand, that path is embedded into a pervasive technological development, which seems progressively able of contemplating and bridging together all dimensions of common living; on the other, it is inescapable merging framework among cultures and living styles. The paper tries to address that path by inserting it within an intergenerational process. This very process, actually, appears as twofold too. On the one hand, it contemplates the universal right of starting a free but shared process of innovative and transformative dwelling. On the other, it should foresee and promote the moral duty to preserve, for the next generations, as much as it is possible, in terms of heritage, places, environment(-s), already active contexts of urban sociality.
urbanization; technological development; interculturality; intergenerational justice; moral duty; innovation; preservation
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