The concept of a cluster has arisen in mathematics and has been actively used in economic analysis and sociology for the last 40 years. The peculiarity of cluster structures and interest in them is due to the fact that they allow us to explain the existence of selforganizing structures in the cultural space. In the twentieth century, European culture questioned the existence of the author, and then the status of the reader. As a result, the classical understanding of the text as a method of transmitting information from the author to the recipient was called into question. Concurrent changes in the technical horizon of communication led to changes in the structure of putting meaning, which allowed creating a rather original model of sense-setting, in which the text lost its linearity and turned into a decentralized structure. As a result, a cluster model became one of the possible ways to create an ontological text model. In this article, the authors present some possible approaches to the text as a cluster of characters that forms a certain sequence of meanings.
The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) according to the research project № 18-011-00977.
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