Борбала Обрусански / Borbala Obrusanszky


A great horsemen alliance, the Huns has created a strong empire in Inner Asia. Some branches moved gradually westward from the 1st century BC and they reached the edge of Europe or the Caucasus region, where they settled down. Many scholars denied that Huns left traces in this region for a long time, in spite of that scholars thought that Sarmatians and Alans populated it. The recent archaeological comparative researches and the anthropological result confirmed their presence not only the Northern part of Caucasus, but the Southern Caucasus as well. Based on these results, I also looked for additional evidences on the ancient settlement of the Huns. I was sure that Huns lived there, because the Hungarian chronicles of the Middle Ages recorded the history of the Maeotic region connecting the wandering of Hungarian people. During my research I realised that Caucasian Iberian and Hungarian kings had a common ancestor: Nimrod, the great hunter. Meanwhile the Hungarian chronicle connected Nimrod with Huns, the Georgian archaeological finds-polychrome style – showed similarities with Nebrotids treasures with Huns. It would not be a coincidence. Moreover, I found three significant similar motifs both in Caucasus, Inner Asian and Carpathian basin, which related to Huns. Thus, the ancient presence of Huns in the territory of South Caucasus, present day Georgia were confirmed by four disciplines in the late Ancient period.  


Huns; polychrome; Caucasus; Nimrod; Iberia; Georgia; Hungarians; Armazi; Caspian Gates; building sacrifice

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