О. В. Добродум / O.V. Dobrodum


The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine in the field of communications carries out innovative activities to build a network of political and cultural community in the situation of still unsatisfactory material and technological support. The realities of cultural life are almost inextricably linked with the use of modern information and communication technologies, and the cultural socialization of citizens in the real world is accomplished in a significant way thanks to the Internet. Since we are at the beginning of the formation of state-cultural themes in Ukrnet, we do not consider our study of this segment of the Internet space exhaustive.

Among the informative rubrics of the website of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, filled with informative material are the following: awards for achievements in the field of culture and art, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, a film project competition, the development of creative industries, international grants, intangible cultural heritage, administrative services in the field of cultural heritage protection, international and all-Ukrainian contests, festivals and other periodic cultural and artistic events (projects), international cultural projects. I would like the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and the State Department for Religions and Nationalities to mediate in all activities related to displaying the specifics of cultural politics, relations between the state, churches and religious organizations, so that it is a high-tech website that explores state policy on cultures and religions, churches and believers, and whose materials would satisfy the tastes, needs and interests of an expert audience striving to master and use quality information. In principle, a lot of information about this institution can already be gathered from Internet, just as information was previously gathered from the archives – it is no coincidence that the Internet at the present stage of human existence appears to be the World Library and the cosmos of human knowledge.

Photo and video support of 3D and online broadcasting of consultations and expert advice seems appropriate. Cultural affairs of the Ministry should ideally use the maximum group support of the affiliate community in the form of friends, support forums on Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, LiveJournal, MySpace, Pinterest, it is advisable to add to the site the e-services, audio channels and photo- and video-galleries, useful links to the country's main cultural heritage in order to provide access to the digitized heritage of leading museums and libraries and maximize their online presence. The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine has promising projects ahead, and the multimedia and high-tech factor will play a significant role in their manifestation and materialization.


Ministry of Culture of Ukraine; State Department of Nationalities and Religion; Ukrnet


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УАнет // Матеріал з Вікіпедії - вільної енциклопедії. URL:УАнет (дата обращения 22.05.2019).


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