К. Б. Кислин / К.B. Kislin


In this article treatise «Ad Helviam» written by Seneca the Younger is considered as an important source for any research dedicated to his biography. Personalities named in «Ad Helviam» and facts of biography of Seneca are structured by referring to the original text of the treatise. In «Ad Helviam» Seneca mentions some contemporaries and circumstances of his own life which are not known without this treatise. Special attention in the article is given to Seneca’s journey to Egypt. The original text of treatise is cited in the author’s translation. The article is helpful for systematization of information about biography of Seneca.               

The article was prepared within the framework of the RFBR project No. 18-011-01123 «The Problem of Connecting Morality and Religion in Epicurean and Stoic Philosophy: A Comparative Analysis of the Controversial Discourse».


Seneca the Younger; biography of Seneca; «Ad Helviam»; The Roman Empire; stoicism; consolatio


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Miriam T. Griffin. Seneca: a philosopher in politics. – NY.: Oxford University Press, 2003. – 520 c.

Habinek Thomas. Imago Suae Vitae: Seneca's Life and Career // Brill's companion to Seneca, philosopher and dramatist / edited by Gregor Damschen, Andreas Heil; with the assistance of MarioWaida. – Leiden; Boston.: Brill, 2014. – 883c.

Краснов П. Н. Сенека, его жизнь и философская деятельность. (Серия Жизнь замеча-тельных людей. Биографическая библиотека Флорентия Павленкова»). – СПб., 1895. – 77с.


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