A. M. Alekseev-Apraksin, Geng Biao


The article examines the ethical problems associated with the development of artificial intelligence from the point of view of Confucianism. Artificial intelligence (AI) is by far the hottest topic in the world, and related ethical issues are also the main issues discussed in the field of philosophy and cultural studies. Despite its antiquity, there are judgments in Confucian teaching that can be interpreted as a conceptual support and formulation of guidelines for the ethics of artificial intelligence. First, through the definition of "human" in Confucianism, it is possible to determine the social status of artificial intelligence. Second, Confucianism has formulated positions in relation to the discourse on the standardization of ethics for artificial intelligence. Third, the Confucian teachings contain grounds for exploring a hybrid existence that combines artificial intelligence and the human body. It is concluded that the contribution of Confucianism in this area lies in its indirect-normative principle, in the framework of the idea «you need to correct people with the help of people until they change 以人治人,改而止».


artificial intelligence; Confucianism; self-awareness; ethics


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