Y. G. Poletaeva


It is argued that the concept of time determines the problematization of the historical process. The basis for such a formulation of the question is the purposeful human activity inextricably linked with the concept of time. The foundation for the solution of this issue was laid by M. Heidegger, who considers time as a possible horizon for questioning about being. History in this sense, being the task of the spirit or itself, becomes the sphere of human existence. The concept of linearity of time is associated with the finalist understanding of history. The problem of history, taking into account the concept of time, is solved through a fundamentally new interpretation of the role of a single, individual in the methodology of historical knowledge. It is stated that the methodological solution to the problem of history is to consider the concept of the individual (diverse) in history in the context of time.


historical process; time; human existence; finalism; diversity of history; singular; subject


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