The article is based on the results of research carried out in the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project "Transformation of identities in Modern Europe and Russia" (Project № 611458-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO-PROJECT). The research was conducted in early 2020 and was aimed at identifying the levels of European identity and the ratio of European and national identities among European and Russian youth. The study of the European identity of young people is particularly topical, since this is the generation that was born and grew up after the creation of the EU, so the processes of European integration and the formation of European identity affected them most obviously. The same concerns to studying the identities of Russian youth. The young generation of Russians are people who were born and grew up in the new Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. They have been much influenced by the emerging Russian identity, as well as by globalization, European identity, and Western values.
Transformations of European identity are considered in the context of integration processes in Europe in various aspects, including social and cultural values. Cultural differences is one of the main issue that the modern Europe are faced and affected the transformation of European identity. These are cultural differences within Europe (regional differences) and differences in the mentality and cultural values of Europeans and numerous migrants who come to Europe from Asia and the Middle East. Currently, the opposite trends are being recorded: towards integration and regionalization, which makes it difficult to form both European and national identities. The formation of the European identity is a political project that emerged in the process of creating the EU, i.e. in the process of European integration. At the same time, in a broader sense, European identity is extended to all residents of Europe. The danger of European integration is that it can destroy national identities so it is important to preserve cultural differences. Based on the results of the study, it can be noted that European identity is considered both as a project aimed at promoting European integration and as a cultural community within Europe. National identity is still more important for Europeans than the common European identity. At the same time, European identity is also important for the self-identification of Europeans and is given only positive characteristics, in contrast to the Russian identity, which includes both positive and negative characteristics. According to our research, the attitude towards migrants in both Europe and Russia is generally positive, but it is noted that illegal migration should be stopped. The danger to the identity of the country's indigenous people is that migrants are not integrated and live in closed communities.Keywords
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