L. V. Shipovalova


The article examines the role of experts and digital technologies in organizing non-hierarchical public communication related to the discussion of common problems. Digital technologies provide openness, which can contribute to the formation of an active position of all participants in the interaction, and vice versa, support the passivity of following a certain expectation, opinion of the authorities or the majority. The diversity of digital platforms and expert opinions presented on them creates conditions for the representation of various positions, which can both preserve and strengthen political and value polarization, and serve as a condition for mediation of experts working for local political consensus. The potential impact of digital technologies becomes relevant both in hierarchical communication, where they are used as a vehicle for management, control and regulation by the authorities, and in non-hierarchical communication. In the latter case, technologies allow to specify the problem, identify unexpected third-party effects, and thus establish a flexible design of governance as a coordination of various actors.


experts; digital technologies; design on governability; communication; activity and passivity; digital public consciousness


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