The article attempts to comprehend the image of the urban space reflected in the key film of the transitional era in Russian culture - "Brother" directed by A.O. Balabanov (1997). The city chronotope of St. Petersburg in the 1990s, captured by the director, forms the identity of the protagonist, the picture of the world of that time and socio-cultural reality, which is in many ways relevant today. Cinematography in this context can not only form the images of cities, the city is not only a decoration, but itself is the hero of the film. The city goes beyond the material, becomes a symbolic-ideal space of cultural meanings, influencing mental mapping and the formation of spatial images at the metaphysical level. That is, it appears as in the concept of P. Bourdieu - as a social space embodied through physical reality. Having ceased to be Leningrad, and without becoming the former St. Petersburg, the city failed to find itself, like its inhabitants. Aloofness, manifested in the structure of the urban space, in the reflected locations, in the behavioral patterns of the protagonist - a young man Danila Bagrov - demonstrates the characteristic features of the identity of a Russian person, a resident of a city that is in a gap between history and culture, when old values and landmarks have untimely gone into the past , and the new ones have not yet had time to crystallize, namely, a heightened sense of justice, chauvinism, traditional values, patriotism. Society needed a reassessment of the past and future and a new worldview. In the emerging identity, two directions stand out - this is alienation, selfhood, extreme individualism and "Russianness" with all the concepts that follow from this concept. The film and the city in the study are considered as illustrations of the socio-cultural mood of that period: even “ceremonial” locations, well-known sights are shown ordinary and everyday, familiar to everyone, they are even filmed from behind or from the side, along with places literally cut out of the structure of the city (cemetery). The locality and unpretentiousness of what is happening in the city, whose image was previously public and representative, engages the viewer and makes him a part of everyday life, forcing him to co-identify himself with the main character. The style and specificity of the shooting also demonstrates exclusion, orphanhood and loneliness. Unfolding the St. Petersburg text through the symbol of the era - the film "Brother" - allows you to look deeper into the transformation of the image of the city in the era of perestroika and find those stable points that strengthened the image and identity, preventing it from collapsing in the conditions of chaos.
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PDF (Русский)References
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