K. V. Krincyus


The article is devoted to the study of the process of artistic creation from the standpoint of the distinction between the imaginative and intuitive activities of the consciousness involved in this process.

The thesis is put forward that in the process of creativity the imaginative activity of consciousness is the basis for intuition of the artistic form of a work of art. The ontological foundations of conditional being, which is contained in the artistic form of a work of art, are investigated, on the basis of which a correspondence is established between the form created in the process of artistic creation and the idea expressed in it. The theory of intuition as irrational cognition is criticized. An attempt is made to define the mainstream intuition. The reflexive distinction between intuitive activity and its result is established. The attitude of the intuitive activity of consciousness to the process of creating an artistic form of a work of art is determined. The foundations and consequences of the imaginative activity of consciousness are investigated. The character of mediation between inspiration, imagination and intuition, which is relevant for the process of artistic creation, is determined.

The article may be of interest to specialists in the field of aesthetics and to specialists in the field of ontology and the theory of knowledge.


intuition; imagination; inspiration; the process of artistic creation; artistic form; art; intuitionistic aesthetics; consciousness; distinction; idea; the law of sufficient reason


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