Philosophical reflection is traditionally presented in academic forms (as article, monograph, essay), but there is a rich tradition of philosophical reflection in literary genres. Drama can be understood as a literary genre, althoug there are the opposing views. In the twentieth century, philosophical reflection in drama became widespread.This phenomenon enriched the culture, changed the attitude to drama and expanded the understanding of how philosophical discourse can be carried out. The new Russian drama reflects the spiritual state peculiar to the era, and therefore it is interesting how philosophical reflection is carried out in the plays of modern authors. On the example of G. Zhuravleva's play, the typology of relations between Philosophy and Literature, proposed by D. K. Manokhin, is considered. In this typology, there are three models of relations between Philosophy and Literature: 1) the author appears in different texts as a philosopher and as a writer, 2) philosopher reflects on a literary text, 3) the writer imitates a philosophical text to achieve an artistic effect. The ideas of the author of the play are correlated with the philosophical heritage of the past (for example, with the ideas of Augustine "on the City of God", or K. Marx's concept of the basis and superstructure, or the concept of three types of "active life" by H. Arendt). It is concluded that the classification of variants of relations between philosophy and literature is problematic. The question is raised about the possibility of such a model of philosophical reflection, in which the author performs philosophical reflection in a dramatic, narrative way, while, in fact, performing work similar to that done by a philosopher in the traditional form of an academic text.
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