E. G. Vasileva


The history of science in personalities  and facts, in which ideas and hypotheses are personified, suggests that a linguist can show the vision of a work of art based on the historical assessment of representatives of various schools, referring to texts describing a specific work of art. Then there is a secondary semiotization of the portrait of the monarch through the verbalization of the portrait, its description. This allows not only to trace the change in the views of scientists, but also, relying on the historiographic and linguocultural approach, reasonably judge the specific views of specialists in various fields of science and culture.

Such work is aimed at chronological comprehension of the problem of semiotisation of the court code of culture and the symbolic function of the portrait of a state person. An essential element is understanding of the historical and personal context of the portrait under study as a set of signs of the material and spiritual world, which have become carriers of cultural meanings and one of the ways to store cultural memory.

The article analyzes three ceremonial portraits of French kings: the portrait of Francis I of Valois (Portrait de François I, roi de France), made by the court artist Jean Clouet (1480-1541), print "Henry IV in coronation vestments" (Henri IV en costume de sacre) by the outstanding French engraver of Flemish origin Thomas de Leu (1560-1612) and a portrait of Louis XIV in coronation vestments "(Portrait de Louis XIV en costume de sacre) by the French artist Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659- 1743). The portraits of monarchs are viewed as non-verbal signs of political discourse.

The author shows that all the elements of the portraits under study represent semiotic codes and cultural signs of power and construct the elitism of the monarchs depicted in the portrait, affirming their power and legitimacy of power.

The present article proves that the royal gala portrait represents semiotic space, the signs of which form the image of supreme power. By interpreting the signs presented in the J. Clouet portrait of François I, in the T. de Leu engraving of Henry IV, king of France and Navarre, and in the G. Rigo’s portrait of Louis XIV in the coronation costume, the author reveals the pragmatic dimension of the semiosis of power and the court culture. The article emphasizes the idea that the state destination of the symbolic representation of the monarch is to visualize the power institution.


semiotization of royal power in portraits; visualization of the supreme power; semiotic codes; verbalization of the portrait; legitimation of the royal power; French king


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