The article deals with the problem of representing the atmosphere in a biographical writing. The author of the article reveals the meaning, relevance of the concept of the atmosphere of a place; shows the importance of this concept for the philosophical analysis of biographical writing. A connection between the concept of atmosphere in G. Boehme, the aura of V. Benjamin, genius loci of Norberg-Schultz is analyzed. The question is raised about the methodological approach to the description of the atmosphere in biographies. The phenomenological description of the atmosphere of space and the approach to the phenomenon of the atmosphere of V. Podoroga are considered. The concept of rhythm and physiology of the text by V. Podoroga is analyzed as way of representing the atmosphere. On the basis of these approaches the biographical texts of such authors as M. Herman, A. Akhmatova, V. Nabokov are considered. The author comes to conclusion that it is necessary to describe the atmosphere as a special intermediate space of mood which characterizes the individuality of place and has its impact on memory of the biographical writing.
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