The article explores ballet performances as a form of artistic dance which emerged in the context of “biographical deconstructionism” and as a new concept for the cultivation of documentation. Based on an analysis of preserved archival material, the author examines how at the waning of postmodern culture, the concept of a new ballet form called “biographical ballet” was invented by European dance critics. The article goes on to illuminate the features incorporated in this innovative form by investigating its structure and providing examples. The author concludes that memory is again becoming one of the main themes in contemporary culture. This “revival” determines the pivot of the choreographic theater to biographical discourse and the formation of a new creative approach of the choreographic theater. Implementing this approach, choreographers modify, accommodate, and incorporate in their performances the techniques and vehicles of new musicality, thick polylinguistic space, intertextuality, paratextuality, and dramaturgical fragmentation, while maintaining ballet’s optical dramaturgy as a basis.
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