I. V. Sazina


The article interprets the phenomenon of personal historical memory as «participative» (and as «individually answerable act or deed» in its theoretical and aesthetical forms) from the practice as well as from the point of view of some ideas of M. M. Bakhtin who poses «acting thinking» as «determined and constituent moment in the once-occurrent event of Being». In this sense the concept «participative personal historical memory» is a significant moment in dialogical communication and modern educational practices. This approach is presented by the author as the most consistent with the logic of culture creation, and the communicative nature of education, and the challenges of the time. The author connects the solutions of the educational (pedagogical) problems arising here from the challenges of the time with: a) the «frame» of the aesthetic paradigm of education; b) a theory that clarifies concepts important for social communication and educational practices («participativeness», «symbol», «understanding», «dialogue of cultures»).

The author argues: the «value-semantic center» and its internal organizing principles as a moment of «concrete-architectonic unity» or the architectonics of the event and the «world of aesthetic vision» (in Bakhtin’s terminology) are the key to the constructing modern educational paradigm. The universal educational model is the unity of the semantic «center» that brings together the personal «participativeness of thinking» in the aesthetic reality and its symbolic nature. The retention of this center in the construction of modern universal educational models corresponds to the «cultural-creative» orientation of the «human-education» models and person’s ability to be independent and creative.

The paper values the possibilities to constructing the acting universal educational models and concludes that by cultivating a participative personal historical memory as an «act», while understanding its connection with symbol and art, the aesthetic paradigm of education implements the principles of humanitarian thinking and dialogue in their composition - as a special relation to historical memory for modern society and its culture type of communication.


personal historical memory; participativeness; acting thinking; dialogical communication; principles of humanitarian thinking; value-semantic center; symbol; dialogue of cultures; aesthetic vision; creative nature of symbol; aesthetical paradigm


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