L. E. Artamoshkina


The author offers reflections based on interviews, anthropological expeditions and arti-cles written in the framework of academic studies. The topic of the article is related to the main topic of the author's research - "Biography as a text of culture". For the author, who was biographically connected with the era of atheism, this theme had the following ques-tion: “Does the memory of culture retain human life to the extent of integrity in which it remains? and such “texts” of culture are broadcast as texts of works of art - literature, painting, etc ...? "The proposed article is another step towards the answer. The author uses materials from interviews, field research from 2009 to the present. The fate of a Rus-sian woman in emigration is represented by the life story of Olga Mikhailovna Verigina (Mozhaiskaya). Participation in the first congresses of the Russian Christian student movement, acquaintance and friendship with its prominent representatives - V.V. Zen-kovsky, A.N.Berdyaev,Fr. Cyprian (Kern) - shaped her deep inner world. Her poetry, diaries, every line of the biography was influenced by the path of a Russian Orthodox woman in the tragic twentieth century.


biography; M. Bakhtin; act; tradition; generation; biographical method; emigration; family archive


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