B. G. Sokolov


Modernity makes its own adjustments not only in the general configuration of the cultural space and in the sphere of technology and production. Transformations occur in the prac-tices of everyday life and tradition. These changes are translated into modes and forms of our consciousness, which necessarily affects and transforms models of mindfulness and timing. The presented article analyzes both the previous models of time and memory, as well as those trends that form what can be labeled as the "post-memory" of a modern post-human, cyborg man. The existing modes of cultural and social memory and retention of the past (memory) can be divided into two modes. The first mode is the dominance of the zones of the Past in the structures of consciousness, a kind of focus on preservation and retention, on fixing the value of the Past and remembrance. This mode is the most common, it can be said to be the most archaic and basic. The second mode can be labeled as a projective remembrance, when the horizon of the Past is not reduced at all (but rather even deliberately preserved), but is built up in the preferences of the zone of the Future. Such a mode of mindfulness is associated with the prevalence of two zones in the horizon of consciousness: the zone of the Future, projectivity, as well as the zone of individuality, which, in a situation of the importance of projectivity for this very Future, enhances pro-jectivity. Such a mode of memory and time alignment is the mode of the New European cultural tradition. For the modern regime of post-memory, the devaluation of the zone of the past is characteristic, because the retention of the Past is already both at the level of everyday life and in professional segments of our life, is not focused on the duration of preservation.


Post-memory; Memory; Consciousness; Modernity; Posthuman

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