E. S. Fedorova


The article gives an overview of Japanese medical views during the period of Kamakura (late XII-XIV) and Muromachi (XIV-XVI). It emphasizes the most significant medical treatises and the most powerful medical views of the Kamakura and Muromachi periods. The medicine is considered as a part of Medieval Japanese culture affected by Chinese impact, Buddhist and Shintō ideas. During the Kamakura period new Chinese medical knowledge of Sung dynasty (960-1279) was introduced to Japan due to religious and commercial relations between Japan and China. Buddhist priests-physicians dominated medical theory and practice at that time. The article investigates “Buddhist medicine” as well as the main medical treatises of the Kamakura and Muromachi eras: Kissa Yōjōki (On Drinking Tea as a Means to Long Life) by Myōan Eisai, Tonishō (Book of the Simple Physician) by Kajiwara Shōzen, Idanshō (Collection of Medical Advice) by Koremune Tokitoshi. Classical literature of the Kamakura and Muromachi periods such as Tsurezuregusa (Essays in Idleness) by Kenkō Yoshida, otogizōshi, The Confes-sions of Lady Nijō also represents some medical views. Medieval writings reflect an ancient belief that most illnesses were divine retribution or spirit intervention. Ac-cording to this belief many diseases were treated through exorcism and purification ritu-als. Three prominent Japanese physicians lived during the periods of Sengoku (Warring States period) and Azuchi–Momoyama (1573-1603): Nagata Tokuhon, Tashiro Sanki and Manase Dōsan. Further Japanization of traditional Chinese medicine began with the es-tablishment of Goseihoha School (School of Later Developments in Medicine) of Kampo medicine. When Portuguese merchants and missioners came to Japan European medicine was introduced for the first time, yet it didn’t have much influence on Japanese medicine of the XVIth century. The most common diseases and main medical specialties of the Kamakura and Muromachi periods are mentioned as well. Keywords: Medicine in Japan, Medieval Japanese Culture,


Medicine in Japan; Medieval Japanese Culture; Kamakura Period; Muromachi Period; Myōan Eisai; Kajiwara Shōzen; Kenkō Yoshida; Otogizōshi; Lady Nijō (Go-Fukakusain no Nijō); Koremune Tokitoshi; The Medicine Buddha (Bhaiṣajyagu-ru); Buddhist Medicine; Onmyō


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