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Mestler G.E. A Galaxy of Old Japanese Medical Books with Miscellaneous notes on Early Medicine in Japan. Part II. Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Bathing, Balneotherapy and Mas-sage. Nursing, Pediatrics and Hygiene. Obstetrics and Gynecology // Bulletin of the Medical li-brary Association. 1954 Oct. №42(4). P. 468–500.
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Mestler G.E. A Galaxy of Old Japanese Medical Books with Miscellaneous notes on Early Medicine in Japan. Part IV. Ophthalmology, Psychiary, Dentistry // Bulletin of the Medical li-brary Association. 1956 Jul. №44(3). P. 327-347.
Mestler G.E. A Galaxy of Old Japanese Medical Books with Miscellaneous notes on Early Medicine in Japan. Part V. Biblio-historical Addenda. Corrections. Postscript. Acknowledg-ments // Bulletin of the Medical library Association. 1957 Apr. №45(2). P. 164–219.
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