In this article, the condition of heterogeneity in post-drama theater is considered. Interpre-tation of the immanent to theater heterogeneity is the basic form-building not only of a theatrical action, but also of an idea of theater per se. Cardinal change in this question happened in the 70th years of the last century, during formation of actually post-drama theater. The post-drama theater to is a way of realization of a certain understanding of heterogeneity, and the latest understanding of theatrical heterogeneity to is, in turn, a description of post-drama theater. Becomes dependent on heterogeneity, as well as scenic
time, and a scenic body, in its post-drama state each of them loses integrity, breaking up to numerous fields and corpuscles. The heterogeneity which is also connected with post-drama understanding, in some way a derivative, the concept of an esthetics of absence which is engaged in the description, the analysis and designing of the same phenomena is, using a bit different tools, but, generally, is approximately in the same semantic field. This article fixes basic provisions of the interesting question and can be applied to further studying of post-drama theater.
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