H. Akhmedova


The purpose of this article is to analyze, reveal the essence of the path of moral and aes-thetic education in those countries that bring real, value-based and progressive develop-ment. Scientific, aesthetic, spiritual and moral development and the integrity of individu-als lead to the greatest discoveries of the modern era, which in its essence brings the greatest benefit not only to the civilized world, but to the entire world space. This applies not only to the spiritual and moral, holistic, bringing development to individuals, but also to all people of the Earth. The article notes that wise ideas are an energy resource in the development of universal values. Therefore, when it comes to social development, we mean the integral, relatively harmonious development of society through the wisdom of human thought. In the article, the author notes that in science, in the moral, ethical and aesthetic sphere, in addition to internal spiritual culture, it has an indispensable beginning in the perception of the novelty of the external environment and the combination of high, historically justified ideas and culture create new qualities that are perceived by various cultural peoples as spiritual enrichment mind and soul of man. So, there is a mutual influ-ence and mutual enrichment of the spiritual and moral culture of various peoples, which leads to intensive development in the spiritual and moral sphere of various societies. Here we come to the conclusion that no philosophical thought or science develops by itself. One of the main goals set by the author is to reveal the genesis of the formation of the thinking of a new person, and from there a new worldview of the whole society. When posing such a problem, the article notes, the process of creating the spiritual wealth of a society and its development occurs not only in musical culture. Literature and other types of art play an important role here, which in their socially active development together form national professional values, such as the Azerbaijani Ashig and mugham art. And this suggests that society and people were not formed one-sidedly. The multifaceted de-velopment of various types of art and their extremely strong impact on society, and in our case, mainly on professional musical culture, which, with its real capabilities in the pro-cess of intellectualization of a person in society, has risen to the level of world values.


aesthetic education; cultural environment; universal values; musical culture; integrity of personality; mugam


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