Yvonne Förster, A. N. Lipov(translator from German)


The development of human society has historically taken place in the process of devel-opment of its socio-cultural sphere. Fashion in this context can be considered as a kind of ubiquitous phenomenon of modern culture. At the same time, fashion is a highly global-ized phenomenon, one of the most dynamic facets of social and individual life and one of the few cultural goods we deal with on a daily basis, influencing changes within the dif-fusion of culture in the process of cultural globalization in the twentieth century.
In stating all these patterns, despite the enormous influence of fashion on contemporary culture, philosophical discussion of this phenomenon remains rare. The translation of the scientific article examines the relationship between fashion design and art, the interaction of philosophy and fashion, fashion and corporeality and substantiates the position that conceptual fashion is not only a form of cultural expression, but also a kind of artistic form of free play with the body and aimed at it cultural techniques, which involve: scien-tific theory, art, design, social utopia, and various forms of historical and specific body experience.


fashion theory; social and cultural anthropology of fashion; sociology and psychology of fashion; fashion in culture; fashion and art; fashion and design; fashion and corporality; embodiment


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