I. B. Hmyrova-Pruel


Music is a kingdom of a sound. How it is philosophically possible to formulate and pro-tect the idea that music can express something in general? Or. How does the separate piece of music transfer the expressive images, messages? Or. What does the esthetic es-sence of music consist in? Perhaps, these questions are intended for reflection. Especially as philosophers and musicians think of music differently. Philosophers try to formulate the theory according to which it is possible to speak accurately and consistently about music as about a communication form. Their reasonings, as a rule, abstract, and not al-ways allow some concreteness. Musicians are those who just assume, and are convinced that music can "create and express". Thus, musicians often become impatient concerning problems of philosophers, thinking that they are removed from the music. Philosophers, see unsteadiness of a thought, uncertainty in judgments of musicians.
And, nevertheless, many philosophers were interested in music, trying to formulate a consecutive theoretical system in which musical analysts could consider the questions and answers. Immanuel Kant was one of such philosophers.
Kant as the philosopher, saw the task in reconciling science and art with religion. In this article reflection is offered whether "loved music?" An edging and as its esthetic judg-ments of music and what value its judgments on modern musical culture have today were formed.


musical culture; art philosophy; esthetics; Emmanuil Kant; modern music


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31312/2310-1245-2021-49-23-35


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