A. S. Timoshchuk, Ruci Tyagi


The paper is devoted to the social aspects of counteracting the spread of the disease, which challenged global economic relations, brought down global markets and undermined national economies. The purpose of the article is to consider a set of measures to preserve social sustainability. Research methods: comparative, genetic and factors types of analyzes. Results: the topic is presented in the context of the concept of a post-modern state, where sovereignty depends on multiple international and domestic factors, including oligarchical elites. Research novelty: global pandemic situation has forced to rethink the issues of economic security, optimized medicine, global factors of regional sustainability. Viruses as a nano factor on the scale of our macro universe have actualized the synergetic teachings on the antinomic connection between the living and nonliving, global and regional, scientific and mythological. When at school, we were taught about four traditional kingdoms of lifе, i.e. animals, plants, fungi and bacteria. The recent advent of the coronavirus pandemic made humanity face the fifth kingdom, the viruses. This paper is devoted to research of legal instruments containing both administrative and criminal law measures intent to organize the society in times of the pandemic. Within a few weeks, the novelty virus COVID-19 has spread worldwide by crossing national borders and sparking hot debates about national and global biosafety hazards. Conclusion: the research maintains that liberal models of public management can work effectively only where normal life conditions and law-abiding population can accept regular methods of governance. The world of work is different to many of us in COVID times and this change is global. For engineering professionals, working in VUCA world remote working i.e. work from home is today’s reality. Remote working, remote meeting, remote decision-making, remote control, and at the same time ensuring productivity is the scenario most of the professionals are currently passing through. Too much virtual interaction with no fixed working hours is impacting mental health. There is a need for a work life balance too. Social life will be most affected while working from home permanently. Once the ongoing pandemic situation gets into control, there may be an option of allowing employee to work from home if need be. Also, everybody cannot work from home. Too much of seclusion and no face to face interaction with peers and colleagues can have a negative impact on individuals particularly mental stress would increase. The HR model would now need to focus on Well-being as DNA of the company. The remote working should also have defined start and stop time. Healthy mind overall sustains the healthy organization. Austerity and Pragmatism is a way to go ahead. It is a total IT spin therefore HR's role is more on trust development.


sustainable development; controllability; 2019-nCoV; SARS-CoV-2; COVID 19; pandemic; global security; national security


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