N. A. Malshina


The cultural form can be considered as a kind of typical variant (mode) of the ordering of the elements of the medium and process, in particular, as a form of network relations through which the information-semiotic space acquires structurality, "corporeality" and manifestation. In this context, the cultural form appears as a kind of semantic complex (pattern), as a kind of information and semantic package, a frame with its own process. Based on the analysis done, the dominant function of mass culture is the consumption of unified products, simulacra of cultural activities. The main patterns of the current state of the traditional culture of Russia are considered "value" and "knowledge", "creativity". Within the framework of the author's model, functions are divided into two opposite, but interrelated blocks: functional and resource. The functional block includes non–economic components (value – knowledge - creativity) that perform: the theoretical and methodological function (concept, theory, methodology), the function of motivation and stimulation, forecasting and planning, the function of organization, the function of control, the function of regulation. The resource block consists of a block of economic components (cost – information – service) material, financial, recreational resources, material and technical basis, a block of intangible resources (labor resources, flows of additional services, service level) and performs supporting functions. The ideal model of the functioning of the cultural industry is considered as a mechanism aimed specifically at the noneconomic components of the cultural industry. Depending on the initial goal, the basic components of these patterns/actors and the main elements of the final structure of the cultural industry for a specific consumer in a specific time period are selected. The existing system of evaluating the effectiveness of the culture system does not provide qualitative indicators. Modern socio-economic strategies of the Russian Federation are not compatible or comparable with the general cultural trend/trend


culture industry; mass consumption; patterns; value; knowledge; creativity


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