Kuang Xiuli


The theoretical provisions of deconstruction are extremely important for postmodernity. Because deconstructions have strong features of innovation, radicalism, destructive ideas and theory. Films are art and a commodity, and the commercialization of art is a typical feature of postmodern art. The interpretation of films becomes the key to study of post-  modern art, and postmodern representation of film becomes a prism that reflects postmodernism. With unique methods of deconstruction and reconstruction of postmodern aesthetics, <> rewrote the traditional classical myth into a more modern one. Through a unique change in Nezha's characters, the cartoon transcends the ideological themes of anti-feudalism and anti-patriarchy and addresses distinctive contemporary themes such as individual destiny, subjective initiative, and attitudes towards prejudice


postmodernism; chinese culture; chinese myth; fantasy cartoons; deconstruction; destruction of prejudices; change destiny; education of love


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