K. V. Azarov


B.G. Sokolov's concept of projective memory, or projective remembrance, is useful in explaining some features of late Tolstoy's self-representation and the influence of Laozi on the writer. Projective memory is a process in which the past is built and rebuilt with a clear primacy of the future. Tolstoy is an important forerunner of this trend in contemporary culture. Through criticism of his own artistic achievements and the entire Western civilization, Tolstoy tries to replace his self-image. He transforms it from a great writer into a sage and a teacher of mankind, who edits the translation of Laozi and compiles a catechism of wise thoughts for every day. At the same time, late Tolstoy is both a practitioner of the latest technologies and their austere critic. Tolstoy demonstrates a set of paradoxical features, shared by many contemporary agents of projective memory, which can be explained in terms of Laozi.


Leo Tolstoy; Laozi; projective memory; post-memory; memory; genuine pretending; wild card; gadget; flashlight


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