A. V. Babaeva


The article analyzes the transformations in the cultural space that have occurred over the past decade. Attention is focused on the changes that have occurred in the basic axiological foundations of human life. It is noted that if earlier the life of a person combined the past, present and future, now we find ourselves in the world of the present, where all unpleasant, irritating, causing negative memories and experiences are displaced into the "zones of oblivion".

Modernity began to "revolve around" a single person, his feelings, desires. In addition, our perception, memory, emotions, aesthetic taste were under the pressure of public preferences, replicated by medial technologies. We found ourselves in a situation of becoming an all-encompassing, endless carnival show.

Of the many global changes, the author highlights, in his opinion, the most significant: changes in the language space. Traditionally, it was the language that stood out as a point of "tightening" the cultural field, endowing it with unique features. Words shaped human Existence. Rationality, logic of words-concepts formed a clear picture of the world and highlighted a certain place of a person in it. It is noted that the inclusion of the latest technologies in the cultural universe has changed the attitude to the word, text messages, the essence of the reader and the author. Examples of "abbreviation explosion", "padonkafsky" slang, which are presented in the modern Internet space, are given. Words have ceased to express events, "lightness of being", reckless handling of words - have become the norm of life. There was a filling of the language space with pictures that can be filled with a variety of meanings. Changes in the language space have had an impact on the process of understanding. Traditional forms of understanding formation through rational processing, awareness and emotional experience are being replaced by a short-term emotional reaction. The author sees an example of such "crowding out" in the active distribution of video clips - coubs, which are short, repeated excerpts from the original video sequence, on which a new sound sequence is superimposed.


Culture; transformations; word; language space; subculture; Internet


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