N. P. Makarova


In the article the interpretation of the theory of plurality is considered as a positive phenomenon. The article indicates, that phenomenon of pluralism appears in all areas of culture and plurality farms the basis of human existence. The concept of plurality of the German contemporary philosopher Wolfgang Welsch is presented. The analysis is based on the research of forming this concept in previous philosophical thought and the relevance for its justification for modern realities. The German philosopher interprets the concept of plurality in the context of postmodern situation. The article supports, that pluralism claims radical plurality at all levels of human existence, for the concept of plurality, proclaimed by different authors, becomes the cognitive strategy, which allows to record the multiplicity of the heterogeneous. The study is implemented with the involvement of the sources not translated into the Russian language.


Wolfgang Welsch; pluralism; multiplicity; concept; cognitive strategies; philosophical heritage; multiculturalism


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