«God and His Destiny». About the Book by Italian Theologian and Religious Philosopher Vito Mancuso
In this article the book «God and His Destiny» [1] by Vito Mancuso is considered. It takes the reader on a journey through the problematic notions of divinity that have accompanied our history for centuries. The author tried through his book to contribute to the purification of the Christian religion in order to breathe new life into the idea of God. According to Mancuso, human being in the era of the gap between Homo Sapiens and Homo Religiosus can easily lose their freedom and ideals. Systematic theology is the attempt to study the identity of God, his connection with the world and human existence. Vito Mancuso declares that he does not accept some catholic dogmas and wants to introduce a philosophical difference in the concept of God. The author urges us to free ourselves from the traditional image of the almighty Father who is sitting in heaven, which is still offered to us by the Catholic Church, which seems to have changed its language, but not its rigid doctrine.
God; spiritual experience; loneliness; sacrament
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31312/2310-1245-2022-51-13-27
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