Demetrio D. The Family Scriptures Between Memory and Diaries of the Present

A. Korobova


Duccio Demetrio is a professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca, scientific director of the National Center for Research and Study of Autobiography at the Free University of Autobiography of Anghiari (which he founded in 1998), founder of the Society for Pedagogy and Didactics of Letters; editor of the publication “Adultità”, which is aimed at an in-depth study of various aspects of autobiographical writing, generational memory, as well as issues related to family practices of archiving memory. Duccio Demetrio is author of many articles and monographs, such as: “Education in adult life. For a phenomenological theory of experiences and origins” [1], “Self story. Autobiography as self-care” [2], “Clinical writing. Autobiographical counselling and existential fragility” [3], “Philosophy of education in adulthood. Symbolism, myth and self-images” [4], “Ingratitude. The short memory of gratitude” [5], “Write, Brother Francis. The autonarrative manual” [6]. The main his scientific research topics are include the study of autobiographical writing as a philosophical practice, as a means for internal self-knowledge and introspection; research in education, pedagogy and didactics. This article presents an analysis of autobiographical writing, its forms and types, among which special attention paid to the study of family writings, diaries, letters, notes. In the first part the author emphasizes the dual nature of this genre — its educational and therapeutic value. The second part examines the potential applications of autobiographical notes in clinical and pedagogical practice. It also presents a wide range of types and forms of autobiographical family writings. The following is a detailed analysis of each type, with a focus on examining notes and testimonies that are a reflection of psycho-emotional states, emotional experiences and experiences. All footnotes and references are given according to the original source.


autobiography, letter, family, family writings


Demetrio, D. L’educazione nella vita adulta. Per una teoria fenomenologica dei vissuti e delle origini, Roma, NIS, 1996, 192 p.

Demetrio, D. Raccontarsi. L’autobiografia come cura di sé, Milano, Cortina, 1996, 230 p.

Demetrio, D. La scrittura clinica. Consulenza autobiografica e fragilità esistenziali, Milano, Cortina, 2008, 467 p.

Demetrio, D. Filosofia dell’educazione ed età adulta. Simbologie, miti e immagini di sé, Torino, UTET Liberia, 2003, 272 p.

Demetrio, D. Ingratitudine. La memoria breve della riconoscenza, Milano, Cortina, 2016, 183 p.

Demetrio, D. Scrivi, frate Francesco. Una guida per narrare di sé, Padova, Messaggero, 2017, 184 p.

Ferraris, M. Scrittura come riparazione. Saggio su letteratura e psicoanalisi, Roma–Bari, Laterza, 1994, 290 p.

Ferraris, M. La scrittura infinita. Saggi su letteratura, psicoanalisi e riparazione, Firenze, Nicomp, 2007, 286 p.

Tassi, I. Storie dell’io. Aspetti e teorie dell’autobiografia, Roma–Bari, Laterza, 2007, 188 p.

Vegetti Finzi, S. (a cura di) Storia delle passioni, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997, 360 p.

Anglani, B. I letti di procuste. Teorie e storie dell’autobiografia, Roma–Bari, Laterza, 1966, 167 p.

Loewenthal, E. Scrivere di sé. Identità ebraiche allo specchio, Torino, Einaudi, 2007, 193 p.



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