Problematization of the Cultural Code and Identity in Italian Scientific Research

E. Yu. Kravchenko


The paper proposes to start analysing the problematization of the cultural code and identity in a number of Italian scientific schools. Relying on the sample, we present some programs and academic disciplines, as well as research projects, conferences and personalities that study the cultural code and identity сoncepts today. Further the author outlines some relevant topics within which the concepts of cultural code and identity can be comprehended. Among the key topics, we can highlight intercultural communication and semiotics; the Other’s perception, migration processes; visual images in cinema and media; territory and gastronomic practices as components of the identity matrix, as well as the Made in Italy phenomenon and cultural codes in business. In addition, the author makes an attempt to interpret the results obtained in accordance with the cultural and geographical specifics of certain Italian regions. Moreover, the article allows to broaden knowledge about Italian Cultural Studies, introduces the new names of modern Italian “culturologists” and current research projects in Italy.


cultural code; cultural identity; Italy; Cultural Studies; Italian Studies; cross-cultural communication; Italian Cultural Studies; Studi Culturali; Italian universities; Umberto Eco; Alessandro Arcangeli


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