Cultural Code of Russian Culture: A. S. Pushkin’s Image in the Formation of “Places of Memory”

V. A. Kirshin


This article examines the texts of the Russian culture of the 19th–20th centuries, in which the tendency to form the image of Alexander Pushkin as a “place of memory” can be traced. The author identifies three stages that confirm the evolution and/or formation of this "place of memory. According to Pierre Nore, “places of memory” arise at the points of significant events in culture, thus expressing “national memory”. At the center of the proposed study is an attempt to present the idea that “places of memory” begin to form not only on the basis of historical or culturally significant events, such as anniversaries of something or the opening of a monument, but also arise in periods of culture when there are no external signs for the formation.


cultural code; memory space; image; Russian culture; national consciousness; F. M. Dostoevsky; P. P. Pertsov; A. S. Pushkin; V. S. Solovyov; V. T. Shalamov


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