The Tragedy by J.W. Goethe “Faust”: From Image to Symbol

N. P. Makarova


The problem of the symbolic in the context of modern humanitarian knowledge occupies a special place in connection with the statement of the dialogue of cultures and eras and the need to determine the origins of interpretation. The article presents an analysis of the image of Faust and the theme of love from the position of the theory of the symbol. It is argued that, going beyond the boundaries of the part of the tragedy of J. W. Goethe, the image of Faust becomes something that in its meaning approaches the symbol. This phenomenon is accompanied by transformation into other specific incarnations and refraction of worldview constructs. The paper discusses the features of the theory of the symbol of Russian researchers of the twentieth century: A. F. Losev, Y. M. Lotman, S. S. Averintsev. The interpretation of the theme of love is based on the philosophical views of V. S. Solovyov. It is concluded that both a work of art, its episode, and an image can be fully covered only through the theory of symbol.


J. W. Goethe; Faust; symbol; theory of symbol; symbolizing; image; theme of love


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