Pervasiveness as an integral attribute of the socio-cultural space

D. E. Prokudin


The socio-cultural space in the information society is subject to the so-called "digital transformations", the basis of which is the large-scale use of information and communication technologies. This space is fully informational, it is permeated with information streams between elements and actors. At the same time, streams exist both in the traditional "analog" form and in digital. The digital existence of socio-cultural information is based on the widespread use of information systems, which are based on the principles of decentralization and distribution. The socio-cultural environment is saturated with cultural objects that exist both in real and digital form. They can be either an addition to real culture or "digital doubles" of real cultural objects, or they can be independent cultural phenomena that have no analogues in the real cultural space. Digital data is not stored in one information system, but is distributed among all digital components of the socio-cultural space. These data are both generated by systems and come from various sensors that saturate the physical environment of the socio-cultural space. In the world scientific discourse, the term "pervasiveness" is used to refer to such systems, which refers both to the computing systems themselves and to processes. The concepts of "pervasive computing", "pervasive systems" and "pervasive environments" are used as stable. Based on their analysis of these concepts, it is proposed to use the term "pervasiveness" to designate as one of the main characteristics of the socio-cultural space itself, the development of which in the information age is based on the widespread use of information and communication technologies.


socio-cultural space; pervasiveness; information and communication technologies


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