Latif Kerimov as carpet and tapestry artists

F. A. Mir-Bagirzade


On the example of types of samples of decorative and applied art of Azerbaijan (carpet and tapestry), the author studied the images of the portrait of the artist, scientist and theorist Latif Kerimov in the works of carpet and tapestry artists. As students of L. Karimov, each of the Azerbaijani artists who created his portrait, having passed his creative path, created an inimitable portrait of the artist in his own style. These portraits were created in tribute to the gratitude of their mentor, who paved the way for them and left an indelible mark on the history of the decorative and applied arts of Azerbaijan. The portraits of these artists will remain in the legacy of the young generation of Azerbaijan.


tapestry; carpet; image; portrait; elements; ornament; threads; artist


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