Alexandre Kojève’s Neohegelian Philosophy and its Reception in Postmodernism

E. V. Boruta, A. E. Shabalina


The article discusses the main aspects of Alexandre Kojève's philosophy as well as the reception of his ideas in the philosophy of "Low materialism" (G. Bataille) and Postmodernism (M. Foucault, R. Barthes, B. Groys).The most important moments of Kojève's biography are noted and analyzed, especially his reinterpretation of Hegel’s dialectics, which had become one of the leading concepts of French philosophy of XX century. Moreover, there is a classification of the concepts of Hegelian dialectics, which Kojève uses as his Neohegelian language: Negative dialectics, Lord–bondsman dialectics, The End of History. Apart from this, there are some themes of Postmodern philosophy (The death of the subject) that are analyzed in comparative way with Kojève's ideas. The authors come to the conclusion that Kojève's innovative interpretation of "Phänomenologie des Geistes" had become one of the most important bases of Postmodernism.


neohegelianism; A. Kojève; Phänomenologie des Geistes; G. Bataille; negative dialectics; the end of history; postmodernism


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