Late soviet religious consciousness in the poetry of Ilya Kormiltsev

D. A. Budaev


The article examines the phenomenon of late Soviet religious consciousness of the intellectual, expressed in the poetry of I. Kormiltsev. The crisis of Soviet ideology of the second half of the 20th century is seen as a conflict of ideology and religion, actualized after March 5, 1953. The cultural periods of Soviet history of the second half of the 20th century are characterized in the context of religious consciousness. Thaw period — aimed at finding alternative scenarios, but gave nothing but the very state of the search. The era of stagnation, which simultaneously attempted to capture the stability of society while capturing the ideals of the Thaw, which were not suitable for this purpose. The period of perestroika, which uncovered all the accumulated contradictions. I. Kormiltsev's work is taken as a marker of religious instability 1980–1990s. The conclusion is made that in this period the poet is characterized by the actualization of Christian meanings. The analysis of the poem «The Scoundrel and the Angel» is carried out for the subject characterization. The text is parsed as an example of assertion of Christian meanings through their formal negation.The conclusion is made that the actualization of Christian symbolism, characteristic of I. Kormiltsev's poetry in this period, is due to the reflection on the search for a new national identity.


USSR; Ilya Kormiltsev; Rock music; Rock poetry; Religious motifs; Nautilus Pompilius; Unofficial art; Religious consciousness; Perestroika; Identity


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