Pressing as a Favorite Format of the Musical Solution of the Productions of the Play “Romeo and Juliet” in the XXI Century

N. I. Lesakova


For more than four centuries, Shakespeare's tragedy «Romeo and Juliet» has been staged on theater stages around the world. The directors of different times presented the tragedy, emphasizing different meanings. The twentieth century most often considered history in a realistic aesthetic. Directors (both foreign and domestic) have always paid special attention to the musical solution of productions based on the famous tragedy, creating an incredibly organic fusion of poetic and musical lines, action and music. The musical design of the performances «Romeo and Juliet» in the domestic theater of the XXI century is a mixture of styles from opera to rock, the music of the famous ballet of the same name and ethno-music, pop and club compositions. This trend is inherent not only for the capital, but also for the peripheral scenes of the country. Critics and viewers note the excessively loud sound of the permanent and therefore intrusive sound score in the productions of the tragedy, while the all-conquering feeling of the heroes turned out to be behind the brackets.


the play by W. Shakespeare «Romeo and Juliet»; productions of «Romeo and Juliet»; musical solution; modern production; drama theater; director


Постановка Франко Дзеффирелли пьесы Шекспира «Ромео и Джульетта» на сцене театра Олд Вик в 1960 году в Лондоне.

URL: (access: 20.12.2022).

Английские постановки Шекспира в зеркале российской критики.

URL: (access: 20.12.2022).

Sollertinsky I. Musical and historical studies. Leningrad, Muzgiz, 1956. 362 p. (In Russ.)



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