The Current State and Development Trends of Music Education in China

H. Feng, V. Zheleznyak


Music is an integral part of a culture. In China, music appeared about 8000 years ago and developed under the influence of different ethnic groups. There are 56 ethnic groups in China. Due to the geographical environment, customs and other reasons, the music of Chinese ethnic minorities has different characteristics. Ethnic music includes traditional music as well as contemporary music; it includes both Han music and ethnic music. Together with the Han people, ethnic minorities in China have created a rich and colorful musical culture; their folk songs are varied and beautiful. Throughout history, music has been very diverse and has absorbed the musical traditions of the ethnic minorities living around. At the same time, it also integrated into the musical culture of ethnic minorities, gradually forming a rich and colorful Chinese national music. However, under the influence of globalization and the unification of learning processes, traditional music is forgotten, fewer people are interested in it. The issue of the importance of preserving traditional and ethnic music, as well as the current state and development trends of music education in China, will be analyzed in this article. In modern times, however, in order to preserve all the diversity, it needs the support of the state. In the international arena, the need to preserve and develop national music in music education is of great practical importance. Music is also one of the important ways in which China enters the world stage. Therefore, the training of students, schoolchildren and even children is extremely necessary. It is especially important for music teachers themselves, as heirs of culture, to orient students to the rich and colorful folk music of China, to form in the minds of students an understanding of the need to protect the intangible heritage of national culture, and to maintain their enthusiasm for studying national musical culture. The preservation and development of ancient musical traditions is of great historical and practical importance. Secondly, for this, it is necessary to train professionals who could become worthy teachers. Thirdly, at the state level it is necessary to encourage interest in studying the music of different ethnic groups and minorities. One way to increase knowledge about music, as well as interest in it, is through integrated learning. For example, integrating children's literature into music teaching can enrich the curriculum in China, improve students' musical and literary skills, and help children participate more actively in large-capacity music classes.


music; musical education; China; ethnic music; culture; Modernity; trends in the development of music education; general musical education; popular culture; preservation of ethnic music; integrated education


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