Why the Russian Spirit Needs Italy: Intercultural Communication as a Way of National Self-Reflection

D. S. Zaitseva, A. S. Illarionova, A. A. Muromtseva, Zh. V. Nikolaeva


In the study of regional cultures it is necessary to pay attention to the cultural, philosophical, ethical, aesthetic and political aspects of intercultural interaction. Regional cultural studies is an actual, dynamically developing field of cultural studies. The processes of globalization have made the contacts of a modern Russian resident with Italian realities more accessible — in everyday life, in the geopolitical space, when getting acquainted with the artifacts of world culture. The issue is devoted to the definition of cultural-anthropological and geo-social strategies important for understanding the realities of the study of Italian culture (Italian Studies) in the XXI century. One of the tasks of this issue is to collect and analyze the relevance of research that will be useful in the future for professional cultural and philosophical understanding of the prospects, problems and tasks of studying Italian culture and, in particular, the importance of Italian culture for Russia.


methodology of the study of culture; cultural studies; theory of culture; Italy; cultural history; cultural memory; cultural identity; Italian studies; dialogue of cultures; intercultural communication


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31312/2310-1245-2023-55-8-24


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