‘The Paradox of the Russian Spirit’ by Piero Gobetti

B. Gariglio, A. A. Muromtseva, Zh. V. Nikolaeva


During his short life, the Italian anti-fascist intellectual Piero Gobetti (1901–1926) was able to accomplish the incredible. He was the founder, editor and author of three magazines (Energie nove, 1918; La rivoluzione liberale, 1922; Il Baretti, 1924); he managed his own publishing house (Piero Gobetti edizioni), in which 114 volumes were published in 4 years; wrote books, articles, was a translator from russian. In Italy, they recognize his importance as one of the main distributors of Russian culture in Turin in the 1920s. In Russia, they are almost unfamiliar with the publications of P. Gobetti, even with his repeatedly reprinted work entitled «The Paradox of the Russian Spirit» (1926). In this article we try to consider the general cultural aspects and paradoxes of the time and place of this study's appearance in the context of the change of epochs, intellectual movements of those years and in the Italian national context. Looking ahead, we can say that the book, conceived as an analysis of the revolutionary ideology's movement in Russia, or at least it is completed chapters, turned out to be a text about Russian culture, or even, according to Vittorio Strada, about the specific role of the russian «intelligentsia». For a better understanding of the views of P. Gobetti, this issue also provides a translation of his essay «Dostoevsky as a classic and mystic of Russian literature», published in 1921.


Piero Gobetti; The paradox of the Russian spirit; Italy; Russia; Russian revolution; Russian literature; L. Andreev; V. Strada


Gobetti P. Paradosso dello spirito russo. Torino: Edizioni del Baretti, 1926. 256 p. (In Ital.)

Gobetti P. “L’anima russa e la rivoluzione”, Energiе nove, 1918, 15 novembre, Serie I, no. 1. (In Ital.)

Дворжак М. История искусства как история духа / пер. А. Сидоров, ред. А. Лепорк. СПб.:

Шпенглер О. Закат Европы. Очерки морфологии мировой истории. Гештальт и действительность / пер. с нем. и примеч. И.И. Маханькова. Москва: Мысль, 1998. 606 с.

Gobetti P. La rivoluzione liberale. Saggio sulla lotta politica in Italia. Bologna: Cappelli, 1924. (In Ital.)

Наумова Е.П. «Опыт России» в оценках итальянского антифашиста Пьеро Гобетти // Государственное управление: современные вызовы. Материалы ХVIII Международной конференции (7 декабря — 10 декабря 2021 г.). М.: Издательский дом МГУ, 2021. C. 251–258.

Ransome E. “Il Paradosso Dello Spirito Russo: Piero Gobetti and the Genius of Liberal Revolution”, Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, 2016. 178 p. (In Ital.)

Andreev L. Savva, ed. Piero Gobetti, tr. Ada Prospero. Venezia: La nuova Italia, 1921. 241 p. (In Ital.)

Croce B. “Il pensiero russo secondo due libri recensiti”, L'Italia dal 1914 al 1918: pagine sulla guerra. Bari: Laterza: 276–283. (In Ital.)

Львов В.Н. Советская власть в борьбе за русскую государственность // Смена вех. Прага, 1921. C. 19–20.

Gobetti P. Opere complete: Scritti storici, letterari e filosofici, a cura di Spriano P. Con due note di Venturi F. e Strada V. Torino: G. Einaudi, 1969. 777 p. (In Ital.)

Шкловский В.Б. О теории прозы. М.: Сов. писатель, 1983. 384 с.

Gobetti P. Risorgimento senza eroi e altri scritti storici con l’introduzione di Franco Venturi. Torino: G. Einaudi, 1976. 243 p. — URL: http://www.centrogobetti.it/ (In Ital.)

Gobetti P. “Dostoievschi”, Paradosso dello spirito russo. Torino: Edizioni del Baretti, 1926. 256 p. (In Ital.)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31312/2310-1245-2023-55-26-41


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