Monological and dialogic discourse as two typological types of text realized in Tolstoy's works (‘War and Peace’, ‘Anna Karenina’)

A. G. Kovalenko, L. N. Lumpova


The article analyzes the monologue and dialogic discourse in their interaction in the works of L.N. Tolstoy. The epic novel “War and Peace” and the novel “Anna Karenina” are chosen as the object of research. The subject of the research will be the Tolstoy’s artistic. According to the authors of the study, these Tolstoy’s works reflect the organic synthesis of the two above-mentioned typological varieties of the text. The study also reveals the nature of the differences in the phenomenon of polyphony in the works under consideration, in a theoretical aspect, the patterns associated with the peculiarity of the semantic structures of the image of the author and the main images of the characters are considered. The authors of the article connect the monologue discourse with the monologue (monophonic) image of the author in the epic novel “War and Peace”, the dialogic discourse, identified with the phenomenon of polyphony, with the images of the main characters of the epic novel “War and Peace” and the novel “Anna Karenina”. The study also raises the question of the ideological and philosophical prerequisites that influenced the formation of the Tolstoy’s artistic system.


typological varieties of texts; monological discourse; monophony; dialogic discourse; polyphony; diachronic nature of polyphony; synchronous nature of polyphony; semantic structure of the text; semantic structure of the image; the epic novel L.N. Tolstoy



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