Personal Representation and the Transformation of Cultural Space in the Postmodern Age

N. V. Razuvaev


The article considers some current trends in the transformation of human personality and socio-cultural space in the postmodern context. In the author's opinion, the most important changes that determine the shape of postmodern society and culture include, firstly, the loss of certainty inherent in the process of the symbolic communication, secondly, the fragmentation of cultural space, which includes very heterogeneous and often inconsistent components, and, thirdly, the crisis of human personality representation. The above trends are core in terms of the general characterization of those crisis phenomena that affect the state of postmodern culture. The paper concludes that the most important means of overcoming the existential crisis is to restore the lost integrity of human personality on the basis of a new (or revived) metanarrative, which, in turn, will ensure the coherence of cultural space in the new historical situation.


postmodern; representation of personality; cultural space; symbolic communication; narratives; metanarrative


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