Whatever Happened to Cinematic Experience: From Sense Data to Experienceness in the History of Aesthetics
The aesthetics of sensuality is rightfully considered an interdisciplinary field. One of the principles of such reasoning is the shift from the particular to the general, since sensuality is able to resist the 'majors' of rationality among topics (aesthetic judgment, art expertise). Even the most non-reductive approaches, standing apart from the Theories, emphasize the absence of common features that many aesthetic experiences would inherit. Whereas experience, along with observation, has a base that acts as an aid to academic texts. In the language of film criticism, there are seemingly intuitive, but productive notions: intonation, voice and atmosphere. Experienceness as a concept at the intersection of practical aesthetics and film theory makes it possible to find prerequisites for interest in sensuality in a cumulative sense in the history of aesthetics. Being an expression of a particle 'already', referring to both time and space, experienceness in the narrow sense (watchfullness) means a qualitative gap between the value judgment of the film and the depth of experience. While in a broad sense (namely experienceness ) It can be a reason to reconcile the axiology and phenomenology of the sensual side of cinematic experience.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31312/2310-1245-2023-58-188-204
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