In the presented material, the issues of transformations of deep foundations in modern culture are considered. A brief description of the concept of "cultural code" is given and its main types are distinguished. The author demonstrates how the cultural code is understood in numerous studies of modern Russian authors. The article notes that despite the different tasks in the process of studying the cultural code, the authors agree on one thing — the cultural code does not so much describe cultural phenomena as it acts as its semantic core. Interpretation of cultural codes makes it possible to comprehend and present the picture of the world, the units of the language of spiritual culture, the value system of a particular ethnic group. The article focuses on the consideration of those changes in culture that appeared with the advent of digital civilization. Of the many global changes, the author identifies, in his opinion, the most significant: ideas about time, language transformations, the process of transferring cultural experience. In modern realities, experience has time to become obsolete even at the stage of accumulation, historical experience, traditions, norms complicate human life, hinder innovation. The continuity of generations, which was considered as an important condition for the integrity of culture, was replaced by gerontophobia. The digital world has freed humanity from the "tyranny of the shadows of the dead". The "global Village" changes a person's attitude to cultural heritage, and as a result, the cultural code also undergoes changes. Digital reality has also transformed the linguistic space of culture. The trends include vertical and short content, voice content — podcasts, AR and VR masks and virtual assistants. All this leads to the generation of new meanings and changes in cultural codes.
culture; cultural code; digital civilization; transformations
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